Certified Documentation Integrity Practitioner Questions and Answers
Combination codes are used to classify two diagnoses, a diagnosis with a manifestation, or a diagnosis
A patient is admitted for pneumonia with a WBC of 20,000, respiratory rate 20, heart rate 85, and oral temperature 99.0°. On day 2, sputum cultures reveal positive
results for pseudomonas bacteria. The most appropriate action is to
An increase in claim denials has prompted a clinical documentation integrity (CDI) manager to engage the CDI physician advisor/champion in an effort to avoid future denials. How does this strategy impact the goal?
Which of the following may make physicians lose respect for clinical documentation integrity (CDI) efforts and disengage?
A modifier may be used in CPT and/or HCPCS codes to indicate
Tracking denials within the clinical documentation integrity program is important to
An 88-year-old male is admitted with a fever, cough, and leukocytosis. The physician documents admit for probable sepsis due to urinary tract infection (UTI). Antibiotics are started. Three days later, the blood and urine cultures are negative, the patient has
been afebrile since admission, and the white blood count is returning to normal. What documentation clarification is needed to support accurate coding of the record?
A 56-year-old male patient complains of feeling fatigued, has nausea & vomiting, swelling in both legs. Patient has history of chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage III,
coronary artery disease (CAD) & hypertension (HTN). He is on Lisinopril. Vital signs: BP 160/80, P 84, R 20, T 100.OF. Labs: WBC 11.5 with 76% segs, GFR 45. CXR
showed slight left lower lobe haziness. Patient was admitted for acute kidney injury (AKI) with acute tubular necrosis (ATN). He was scheduled for hemodialysis the
next day. Two days after admission patient started coughing, fever of 101.8F, CXR showed left lower lobe infiltrate, possible pneumonia. Attending physician
documented that patient has pneumonia and ordered Rocephin IV. How should the clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) interact with the physician to
clarify whether or not the pneumonia is a hospital-acquired condition (HAC)?
Which of the following is a clinical documentation element supporting a transbronchial biopsy?
Several physicians at a local hospital are having difficulty providing adequate documentation on patients admitted with a diagnosis of pneumonia with or without clinical
indications of gram-negative pneumonia. Subsequently, clinical documentation integrity practitioners (CDIPs) are altering health records. Which policy and procedure
should be developed to ensure compliant practice?
The BEST place for the provider to document a query response is which of the following?
Reviewing and analyzing physician query content on a regular basis
A query should be generated when the documentation is
When there are comparative contrasting diagnoses supported by clinical criteria, the correct action is to
A 100-year-old female presents to the emergency department with altered mental state and a 3-day history of productive cough, shortness of breath, and fever after a witnessed aspiration 3 days ago. The patient lives in custodial care at a nearby skilled
nursing facility. Patient was treated with Augmentin at the facility without improvement. Exam is notable for Tc 38.9, blood pressure 142/78, respiratory rate 28, pulse 91. There is accessory muscle use with breathing. Patient is moaning and disoriented but
otherwise the neurologic exam is nonfocal.
Labs notable for sodium 126, creatinine 0.5. white blood count 17.5, hemoglobin 13, platelet 200. venous blood gas 7.44/32/45/-3
Chest x-ray shows bilateral lower lobe infiltrates and dense right lower lobe consolidation.
Patient is placed on bilevel positive airway pressure and given vancomycin, pip/tazo, levofloxacin.
Discharge Diagnosis: health care associated pneumonia (HCAP), respiratory distress, altered mental status, low sodium
Which list of diagnoses require a post-discharge query that will result in a more specific principal diagnosis with the highest level of severity of illness and risk of mortality?
What policies should query professionals follow?
A 45-year-old female is admitted after sustaining a femur fracture. Orthopedics is consulted and performs an open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) of the femur
without complication. Nursing documents the patient has a body mass index of 42 kg/m2. The clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) determines a query is
needed to capture a diagnosis associated with the body mass index so it can be reported. Which of the following is the MOST compliant query based on the most recent
AHIIMA/ACDIS query practice brief?
A patient is admitted due to pneumonia. On day 1, a sputum culture is positive for psuedomonas bacteria. If the physician is queried and agrees that the patient has
pseudomonas pneumonia, this specificity would
The clinical documentation integrity (CDI) team in a hospital is initiating a project to change the unacceptable documentation behaviors of some physicians. What
strategy should be part of a project aimed at improving these behaviors?
A clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) must determine the present on admission (POA) status of a stage IV sacral decubitus ulcer documented in the
discharge summary. What is the first step that should be taken?
Patient is admitted with oliguria, pulmonary edema, and dehydration. Labs are remarkable for an elevated creatinine of 2.4, with a baseline of 1.1. Patient was hydrated
for 48 hours with drop in creatinine. What would the appropriate action be?
AHIMA suggests which of the following for an organization to consider as physician response rate and agreement rate?
A pressure ulcer stage III is documented in the progress note. The clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) has queried the attending regarding the present on admission status of the pressure ulcer but has not received a response in an appropriate
time frame. What should the CDIP do next?
The best approach in resolving unanswered queries is to
Hospital-acquired condition pay provisions apply only to
A query should include
A patient was admitted for high fever and pain in umbilical region. During the second day of the hospital stay, the patient stood up to use the restroom and fell on the floor, resulting in a broken chin bone. A physician noted the fall on the second day in
progress note. Which further clarification should be done regarding present on admission (POA) indicator of fall?
When a change in departmental workflow is necessary, the first step is to
Which of the following diagnosis is MOST likely to trigger a second level review?
Educating physicians on severity of illness and risk of mortality is best accomplished by utilizing
Which of the following falls under the False Claims Act?
The correct coding for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is
Which of the following indicates a noncompliant multiple-choice query? One that does NOT
A hospital noticed a 30% denial rate in Medicare claims due to lack of clinical documentation, placing the hospital at risk of multiple Medicare violations. What step
should the clinical documentation integrity (CDI) manager take to help avoid future Medicare violations?
- Collaborate with physician advisor/champion and revenue cycle manager
- Instruct the billing department to write off claims with insufficient documentation
The facility has received a clinical validation denial for sepsis. The denial states sepsis is not a clinically valid diagnosis because it does not meet Sepsis-3 criteria. The facility has a policy stating it uses Sepsis-2 criteria. What is the BEST next step?
Identify the error in the following query:
This patient's echocardiogram showed an ejection fraction of 25%. The chest x-ray showed congestive heart failure (CHF). The patient was prescribed Lasix and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI). Is this patient's CHF systolic?
Which of the following should be examined when developing documentation integrity projects?
Which of the following demonstrates the relative severity and complexity of patient treated in the hospital, and is used to evaluate the financial impact of a hospital's
clinical documentation integrity (CDI) program?
What type of laboratory test is a creatinine test?
Which of the following is the definition of an Excludes 2 note in ICD-10-CM?
When are concurrent queries initiated?
A clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) in an acute care hospital was asked to create new query templates for ICD-10 based on AHIMA and ACDIS
guidelines. What should the multiple-choice query format include?