Certificate in ESG Investing Questions and Answers
To be aligned with the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities, economic activities should make a substantive contribution to:
Active ownership most likely:
Which of the following statements about stewardship codes is most accurate? Stewardship codes:
ESG performance attribution:
Environmental analysis will potentially determine adjustments to:
A challenge for asset managers integrating ESG issues is most likely a lack of:
Which of the following statements regarding the impact of social issues on potential investment opportunities is most accurate?
Which of the following statements regarding corporate governance is most accurate?
Primary ESG data can be sourced:
Which of the following statements about ESG integration in credit ratings is most accurate?
An asset owner inquiring within a request for proposal (RFP) if the asset manager has an explicit objective to "generate a positive, measurable ESG outcome alongside a financial return" is most likely aligned with a(n):
Which of the following statements regarding the effects of an aging population is most accurate?
ESG factors can affect credit risk at:
Which of the following is most likely an example of quantitative ESG analysis? Analyzing:
Which of the following sectors receives the highest investment from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA)?
To address conflicts of interest and maintain the independence of audit firms, EU law requires firms to abide by:
ESG datasets are best characterized by:
Which of the following reporting practices by an investee company is most likely a red flag for an investor?
Climate sensitivity aims to describe:
Which of the following board committees aims to ensure that the board is balanced and effective?
For consistency purposes, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) requires sustainability disclosures to be:
Which issue was most similar in the governance challenges faced by Enron and WeWork?
Which of the following is most likely a success factor characteristic of the engagement approach? Investors pursuing the engagement should have:
The scorecard technique to assess ESG risks is dependent on:
An emissions trading system (ETS) permits a high allocation of free allowances to energy-intensive companies. The most likely objective of this practice is to:
In which of the following fixed-income asset classes is ESG integration most developed?
An emissions trading system (ETS):
A situation in which a company making good strides toward more sustainable practices but is unwilling to reveal as much for fear of retribution or misinterpretation is best described as:
Pension fund trustees are most likely to face fiduciary legal risks related to:
Which of the following most likely indicates strong corporate governance? A company board with:
If a company's terminal growth rate assumption is adjusted lower due to material ESG factors, the valuation from the discounted cash flow model will be:
A bond issued to fund projects that provide a clear benefit to the environment best describes a:
Which of the following was established by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)?
Which of the following would credit rating agencies (CRAs) most likely focus on in order to test how ESG factors affect an issuer’s ability to convert assets into cash?
low risk exposure to this factor in the short run
Which of the following transition risks is most likely associated with increased environmental standards?
Which of the following is an environmental megatrend that has a severe social impact?
Which of the following has the long-term goal to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C (3.6°F) above pre-industnal levels?
Which of the following statements about ESG integration in fixed income is most accurate?
Which of the following sectors has the highest percentage of corporate profits at risk from state intervention?
Which of the following climate risks are systemic risks to the financial system?
The Sustamalytics database is most likely used for:
According to Mercer Consulting, which of the following asset classes has the highest availability of sustainability-themed strategies compared to its asset-class universe?
Which of the following is most likely an example of a negative externality?
When incorporating ESG factors into valuation inputs, which of the following would most likely require the lowest discount rate?
Human rights violations are most likely to affect workers employed
Excluding investment in companies with a history of labor infractions is best categorized as a(n):
According to the Active Ownership study, which of the following statements regarding ESG engagement is most accurate?
In which country is the proposal of shareholder resolutions most common?
The divergence of ratings among ESG providers most likely.
Which of the following statements about corporate governance is most accurate? Companies with a more diverse board of directors are most likely associated with
According to the McKinsey framework which of the following elements of sustainable investing is allocated to the investment dimension of tools and processes?
ESG factors that relate to future growth opportunities are most relevant to:
Which of the following investor types most likely has the shortest investment time horizon?
Which of the following statements regarding ESG screening is most accurate?
To produce a rating, an ESG rating provider will most likely apply a weighting system to
Which of the following is best described as a risk management framework for assessing environmental and social risk in project finance?
Which of the following countries is most likely to use a two-tier board structure?
Norms-based screening is the largest investment strategy in
Jurisdictions are most likely to impose extraterritorial laws in relation to:
When searching for an asset manager with an ESG approach, in the request for proposal (RFP) an institutional asset owner would most appropriately ask:
When undertaking an ESG assessment of a private equity deal ESG screening and due diligence will most likely take place during:
Elements of ESG integration include adjusting:
According to the UK Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association Stewardship Checklist, during the RFP process pension fund trustees considering active fixed income managers should:
When considering strategic asset allocation, would stranded asset risk most likely be a similar concern for fixed income and equity investors?
Which of the following describes a key goal of the EU Green Taxonomy?
Morningstar's offering of ESG products and services is an example of a:
Which of the following ESG approaches is an investor in sovereign debt most likely to apply?
Compared to developed markets, a challenge of ESG investing in emerging markets is less:
According to the "Shades of Green" methodology developed by the Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), which of the following colors best categorizes a green bond that reduces emissions in the near term without contributing to climate-resilient long-term solutions?
Which of the following best describes a challenge of ESG integration into investment processes?
Within fixed income, ESG integration is most developed in:
Which of the following is an example of greenwashing?
The primarily used ESG indices:
To assess the impacts of yield changes on a company's cost of capital due to an ESG event, credit rating agencies most likely use which of the following types of analysis?
A just transition in climate policy refers to:
Which of the following best describes an Earth system that will exhibit large-scale and long-term changes when reaching critical levels of global warming?
A regulatory framework designed to support ESG integration in corporate disclosures is:
Which of the following social trends is more relevant to developed markets than emerging markets?
Which of the following is most likely a consequence of income inequality?
Poor corporate governance in the form of weak accountability and alignment increases the risk of value erosion for:
Which of the following statements about externalities is most accurate?
Which of the following is a principle of the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative?
A benefit of carbon footprinting is that:
In the context of effective corporate governance, the use of alternative performance metrics (APMs) most directly raises questions about:
Single-tier boards are typical in:
ESG indices that exclude economically meaningful sectors will most likely:
Collective engagements:
In addition to reporting on sustainability matters that are financially material to a company's business value, double materiality also requires the company to report the impact of:
The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) full benchmark report provides a GRESB score. The GRESB score includes and weights which of the following considerations?
Management, policy, and disclosure
Overall portfolio key performance indicator (KPI) performance
According to a study by Berg, Koelbel, and Rigobon, the correlation of ESG ratings is:
Which of the following most likely protects minority shareholders?
The European Union (EU)'s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is best described as a(n):
Company reporting and transparency are led by the:
Under the UK listing regime, Class 1 transactions:
According to the Principles for Responsible Investment, which of the following engagement dynamics creates value?
Avoiding long-term transition risk can most likely be achieved by:
A social media company faces criticism from a consumer action group for selling user data to advertising clients. A potential lawsuit will have the greatest direct effect on the company’s:
Which of the following is most likely to cast doubt on a director’s independence?
Which of the following would credit rating agencies (CRAs) most likely focus on in order to test how well an issuer’s management uses the assets under its control to generate sales and profit?
Which of the following ESG investment approaches is most likely applicable when investing in sovereign debt?
EU regulators manage the independence of audits for public companies by:
Which of the following is most likely a secondary source of ESG information?
Which of the following organizations is not a provider of both ESG-related and non-ESG-related products and services?
Which of the following is one of the four phases of activities contained by the LEAP assessment framework developed by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)?
In Australia, a managing director of a company is the:
Which of the following subclasses is most likely to have the highest level of ESG integration using Mercer's ratings?
A hurdle to adopting ESG investing is most likely a:
In which of the following circumstances is Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) most applicable?
For engagement strategies to deliver meaningful results in a cost-effective and time-effective manner, investors must:
ESG screens embedded within portfolio guidelines can be used as:
Which of the following engagement styles is most likely closely aligned with passive investments?
When assessing the investment risk of a coal mining company, the concept of double materiality refers to the company reporting on matters of:
Which of the following best summarizes the studies on carbon risk?
Natural language processing (NLP) is employed as a tool in ESG investing to:
Corporate disclosures in line with the recommendations of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) are a regulatory requirement for companies in:
Non-recyclable waste is eliminated in the:
New technologies have enabled workers to:
Which of the following actions is best categorized as an escalation of engagement?
An investor requires a social return and will tolerate a sub-market financial return. This best characterizes:
Which of the following social factor scenarios is most likely to affect revenue forecasting?
Institutional investors achieve their stewardship and engagement objectives in practice through which of the following?
Organizing companies according to their sustainability attributes, such as resource intensity, sustainability risks, and innovation opportunities, best describes the:
Over the past several years, the proportion of sustainable investing relative to total managed assets has fallen in:
The World Bank's World Governance Indicators dataset includes rankings on:
With respect to ESG reporting:
According to the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, which of the following is a dimension of sustainable investing applied by fund managers?
When tailoring an ESG investment approach to client needs, the primary driver of ESG investment for general insurers is most likely:
The key objective of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises is:
The LEAP assessment framework developed by the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosure (TNFD) stands for:
Compared to developed markets, ESG investing in emerging markets is most likely characterized by:
According to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Standards, the emissions associated with suppliers and consumers are classified as:
Which of the following is most likely associated with positive screening?
Which of the following tests defines the internal theoretical cost on carbon emissions to guide a company's decision-making process in energy-intensive sectors?
A mature company has launched a product that reduces customers' electricity usage. This should be incorporated into the company’s discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis by increasing its:
Bonds that fund projects that provide access to essential services, infrastructure, and social programs to underserved people and communities are best described as:
Negative screening of tobacco-related companies is best grouped into which of the following basic categories?
Which of the following is a challenge in ESG integration?
In order to safeguard the independence of the external auditor, European Union (EU) regulation:
Alignment of an investment manager's performance against a long-term ESG investor’s objectives is best achieved by which of the following?
Tools that evaluate companies, countries, and bonds based on their exposure or involvement-specific factors, sectors, products, or services are referred to as:
Companies subject to the EU Taxonomy are required to:
Engagement is least appropriate for which of the following investment types?
For investments in wastewater treatment plants, a significant obstacle is:
The mechanism of dual-class shares most likely favors:
In the revised 2020 version of the UK Stewardship Code, a significant change is that signatories are now required to:
The Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosure (TNFD) defines nature as:
Flooding, droughts, and storms are examples of severe weather events arising from:
Over the last several years a company has traded at an average price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 12x, compared to a peer group range of 11x to 13x. If the company implements a new risk management framework to better manage material ESG risks relative to its peers, it would most likely justify a P/E ratio of:
According to market reviews conducted by the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance at the start of 2020, sustainable investing assets in the five major markets stood at approximately:
A portfolio manager of an ESG fund attempting to outperform the general market is most likely to:
With respect to ESG reporting, company management has:
Which of the following strategies is most consistent with an investment mandate focusing on risk management?
The UK's Green Finance Strategy identifies the policy lever of greening finance as:
With respect to infrastructure assets, externalities are best described as issues that may be:
Which of the following statements about proxy voting is most accurate? The majority of asset owners:
Analyzing a portfolio's social impact exposure is best achieved by first understanding material social topics at:
Which of the following is most likely a result of monitoring rather than engagement?
Compared to developed markets, ESG investing in emerging markets is most likely characterized by:
Which of the following is most likely categorized as an external social factor?
Which of the following parties is most likely to help investors identify the extent and depth to which investment funds integrate ESG?
In ESG integration, which of the following best describes a data-informed analytical opinion designed to support investment decision-making?
Which of the following statements regarding ESG tools is most accurate?
Which of the following is one of the four realms of nature described by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)?
For investors in corporate fixed-income securities, engagement is most likely to be effective if conducted:
ESG factors impacting balance sheet strength rather than growth opportunities are most material to:
A challenge to ESG integration at the asset allocation level when using mean-variance optimization is that it:
A portfolio approach in which bottom-up analysis is complemented with consideration of ESG factors, resulting in a relatively concentrated portfolio, is best described as:
According to the Brunel Asset Management Accord, which of the following is least likely a cause for concern when evaluating an asset manager against an ESG investment mandate?
Best-in-class funds most likely:
The first step in the effective design of an investment mandate is determining the:
The process of ESG portfolio optimization requires:
Which of the following social factors most likely impacts a company's internal stakeholders?
Which of the following statements about the effects of globalization are most likely correct?
Statement 1: Globalization has led to increased efficiency in markets, resulting in wider availability of products at lower costs.
Statement 2: Globalization has led to increased social well-being due to a reduction in social structural inequality.
Which of the following statements about voting is most accurate?
According to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which of the following ESG engagement dynamics most likely create value?
To reflect weak governance of a private equity holding, an analyst's model should most likely include a reduction in the holding's:
Commodity price volatility resulting in profits vulnerability for companies is most likely an example of financial risk transmission by:
Philanthropy is most likely associated with:
Which of the following investor types most likely prefers exclusions as an ESG approach?
The Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) is best described as an interactive mapping tool allowing decision makers to:
The perpetual compound annual rate that a company’s cash flow is assumed to change by after the discrete forecasting period is referred to as the:
Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of a ‘just’ transition?
As a percentage of the overall materiality threshold reported in enhanced audit reports, performance materiality is typically:
Third-party assessments that highlight events, behaviors, and practices that may lead to reputational and business risks and opportunities are best classified as: