Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) Questions and Answers
The travel distance limit for a new unsprinklered educational occupancy is
Which NFPA Standard provides requirements for the storage and handling of aluminum powders, flakes, and pastes?
What are the human health effects of exposure for two minutes at a concentration of less than 50 ppm of hydrogen fluoride?
What is the maximum allowable travel distance from any part of a smoke compartment to the door in a smoke barrier in a new health care facility?
All of the following Road Tunnel fire model types are used EXCEPT
Which pure metal in its solid form in oxygen has the highest ignition temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?
All of the following must be demonstrated to prove professional negligence under standard of care EXCEPT
The ratio of the weight of a solid or a liquid substance to the weight of an equal volume of water is referred to as
The maximum distance between hangers for an automatic fire sprinkler system for a threaded lightwall steel pipe of 2 in. diameter is
The goals of the first edition of NFPA 13D were to provide sufficient time for safe egress or rescue, economic viability, and
The minimum carbon dioxide design concentration for extinguishment of an ethylene fire is
Computers and other information technology equipment are particularly susceptible to
The primary mechanism by which carbon dioxide extinguishes fire is
NFPA 750 defines a low-pressure water mist system as one that operates at or below
When evaluating the hydraulic properties of water for fire protection system, what is the measurement of a fluid's
resistance to flow?
According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission, what type of fabric is used 51% of the time on upholstered
What percent of fire departments surveyed participate in the delivery of emergency medical services?
Which OSHA regulation addresses storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas?
The computer simu-lation egress model that is often referred to as the hydraulic model and also known as
Environmental Protection Agency standards require solid waste be treated as hazardous if it is a listed waste and/or
meets the characteristics prescribed by the standard for toxicity, reactivity, corrosivity, and
Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate purpose for employing a guard service to protect a property against fire loss?
Explosions or fires from flammable gas or oil fuel vapor-air mixtures may be prevented by ventilation and controls that keep the flammable vapor content below what percent of the lower flammable limit of the vapor-air mixture?
The principle fuels used in a modern grain dryer are natural gas, vaporized liquid propane, and
In considering the rating of audible appliances, in wide-open spaces, how many decibels does the sound pressure
level (SPL) decrease every time the distance from the source is doubled?
The incident command system (ICS) under the National Incident Management System (NIMS) has how many major
functional areas?
Which type of construction consists of structural members of approved noncombustible or limited combustible
materials with specified fire resistance ratings for exterior bearing walls of 3 or 4 hours?
In 1979, the phenomenon of convergence cluster formation in human fire behavior was identified in which of the
Critical Radiant Flux is used to classify
The typical discharge coefficient of a solid stream nozzle for a standard orifice with sharp edges is?
The ignition temperature of acetylene gas is