Flutter Certified Application Developer Questions and Answers
TextField widget allows app users to type text into an app.
While configuring your Android app on Firebase web site, you should download the google- services.json file from Firebase web site and add it to your Android app files as illustrated in the image of
this question.
Select the best answer from the following choices: What is the main role of this file for your app?
Adding a Slider widget in a Flutter app interface should be used to select multiple values at the same
Flutter widgets are the basic building blocks of a Flutter user interface. Almost everything in Flutter app is a widget such as images, icons, texts, menus, buttons, row, column etc.
presentationThis question includes an image for an app interface.
Which of the following choices is correct about the widget which includes all these children widgets?
If you created a Flutter app using the Firebase services where the app users had to login to this App using Firebase user accounts (email and password), which of the following Firebase products store these
app users' accounts?
You can add or import a new font to your Flutter by pasting this font file in a font folder in your Flutter project without needing to declare this font file or the font folder in the pubspec.ymal. Is this correct ?