EC-Council Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) Questions and Answers
A ______ refers to a situation where two different inputs yield the same output.
Ahlen is using a set of pre-calculated hashes to attempt to derive the passwords from a Windows SAM file. What is a set of pre-calculated hashes used to derive a hashed password called?
The most common way steganography is accomplished is via which one of the following?
A technique used to increase the security of block ciphers. It consists of steps that combine the data with portions of the key (most commonly using a simple XOR) before the first round and after the last round of encryption.
Which one of the following is a component of the PKI?
Which one of the following terms describes two numbers that have no common factors?
Fred is using an operating system that stores all passwords as an MD5 hash. What size is an MD5 message digest (hash)?
The art and science of writing hidden messages so that no one suspects the existence of the message, a type of security through obscurity. Message can be hidden in picture or audio file for example. Uses least significant bits in a file to store data.
Ferris has been assigned the task of selecting security for his company's wireless network. It is important that he pick the strongest form of wireless security. Which one of the following is the strongest wireless security?
A symmetric Stream Cipher published by the German engineering firm Seimans in 1993. A software based stream cipher that uses a Lagged Fibonacci generator along with concepts borrowed from shrinking generator ciphers.
Which of the following asymmetric algorithms is described by U.S. Patent 5,231,668 and FIPS 186
Which of the following is not a key size used by AES?
Modern symmetric ciphers all make use of one or more s-boxes. Both Feistel and non-Feistel ciphers use these s-boxes. What is an s-box?
Asymmetric encryption method developed in 1984. It is used in PGP implementations and GNU Privacy Guard Software. Consists of 3 parts: key generator, encryption algorithm, and decryption algorithm.
____________cryptography uses one key to encrypt a message and a different key to decrypt it.
Which service in a PKI will vouch for the identity of an individual or company?
The mode makes a block cipher into a synchronous stream cipher. It generates keystream blocks, which are then XORed with the plaintext blocks to get the ciphertext.
A simple algorithm that will take the initial key and from that generate a slightly different key each round.
Uses a formula, M_n = 2^n − 1 where n is a prime number, to generate primes. Works for 2, 3, 5, 7 but fails on 11 and on many other n values.
What is the solution to the equation 8 mod 3?
Which of the following is required for a hash?
Hash. Created by Ronald Rivest. Replaced MD4. 128 bit output size, 512 bit block size, 32 bit word size, 64 rounds. Infamously compromised by Flame malware in 2012.
Which one of the following are characteristics of a hash function? (Choose two)
Calculates the average LSB and builds a table of frequencies and Pair of Values. Performs a test on the two tables. It measures the theoretical vs. calculated population difference.
Which of the following is a protocol for exchanging keys?
Which one of the following wireless standards uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) using the Counter Mode-Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)-Message Authentication Code (MAC) Protocol (CCMP)?
What is a "Collision attack" in cryptography?
A disk you rotated to encrypt/decrypt. Created by Leon Alberti. Similar technologies were used in the Enigma machine. Considered the forefather of modern encryption.
You have been tasked with selecting a digital certificate standard for your company to use. Which one of the following was an international standard for the format and information contained in a digital certificate?
Which of the following is a cryptographic protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared key over an insecure channel?
In order to understand RSA. you must understand the key generation algorithm as well as the encryption and decryption algorithms. Which one of the following equations describes the encryption process for RSA?
This hash function uses 512-bit blocks and implements preset constants that change after each repetition. Each block is hashed into a 256-bit block through four branches that divides each 512 block into sixteen 32-bit words that are further encrypted and rearranged.
If Bob is using asymmetric cryptography and wants to send a message to Alice so that only she can decrypt it, what key should he use to encrypt the message?
Which of the following was a multi alphabet cipher widely used from the 16th century to the early 20th century?
What is the name of the attack where the attacker obtains the ciphertexts corresponding to a set of plaintexts of his own choosing?
Which one of the following uses three different keys, all of the same size?
Which of the following is used to encrypt email and create digital signatures?
DES has a key space of what?
A protocol for key aggreement based on Diffie-Hellman. Created in 1995. Incorporated into the public key standard IEEE P1363.
RFC 1321 describes what hash?
When learning algorithms, such as RSA, it is important to understand the mathematics being used. In RSA, the number of positive integers less than or equal to some number is critical in key generation. The number of positive integers less than or equal to n that are coprime to n is called ______.
What is a variation of DES that uses a technique called Key Whitening?
Which of the following is an asymmetric algorithm related to the equation y^2 = x^3 + Ax + B?
Juanita is attempting to hide some text into a jpeg file. Hiding messages inside another medium is referred to as which one of the following?
Collision resistance is an important property for any hashing algorithm. Joan wants to find a cryptographic hash that has strong collision resistance. Which one of the following is the most collisionresistant?
Which of the following is an asymmetric cipher?
Which algorithm implements an unbalanced Feistel cipher?
Nicholas is working at a bank in Germany. He is looking at German standards for pseudo random number generators. He wants a good PRNG for generating symmetric keys. The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has established four criteria for quality of random number generators. Which ones can be used for cryptography?
This is a 128 bit hash that is specified by RFC 1321. It was designed by Ron Rivest in 1991 to replace an earlier hash function.
The most widely used digital certificate standard. First issued July 3, 1988. It is a digital document that contains a public key signed by the trusted third party, which is known as a Certificate Authority, or CA. Relied on by S/MIME. Contains your name, info about you, and a signature of a person who issued the certificate.
Which of the following is generally true about key sizes?
Which of the following is assured by the use of a hash?
A cryptanalysis success where the attacker discovers additional plain texts (or cipher texts) not previously known.
A cipher is defined as what
Which one of the following is an example of a symmetric key algorithm?
_____ uses at least two different shifts, changing the shift with different letters in the plain text.
Created in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman at MIT. Most widely used public key cryptography algorithm. Based on relationships with prime numbers. This algorithm is secure because it is difficult to factor a large integer composed of two or more large prime factors.
Which one of the following is an algorithm that uses variable length key from 1 to 256 bytes, which constitutes a state table that is used for subsequent generation of pseudorandom bytes and then a pseudorandom string of bits, which is XORed with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext?
What does the OCSP protocol provide?
Part of understanding cryptography is understanding the cryptographic primitives that go into any crypto system. A(n) _______ is a fixed-size input to a cryptographic primitive that is random or pseudorandom.
A digital document that contains a public key and some information to allow your system to verify where that key came from. Used for web servers, Cisco Secure phones, E-Commerce.