HCIP-Big Data Developer V2.0 Questions and Answers
pass throughHBasefofcreateTableThe method creates a table, what parameters must be passed in?
deployFusionInsight HD within the same clusterFlume ServerHow many nodes are recommended to deploy at least?
Regarding the Redis cluster topology information, which of the following descriptions is correct?
forSpakstreamingapplication, in aJVM, there can only be one at a time
Streamingcontextis active.
FusionInsight HDofStreamingforZooKeeperweak dependency, even ifZooKeeperFault
StreamingServices can also be provided as normal.
Fasionlrnight HD Heenein the group,Table1GenusFNamespacel,Table2GenusFNamespace2,
Table1there are two1columns, respectivelyRdf11.df12,TablezThere is a column home namedf21, then which of the following
user account9AAt the same time have|ef18d21oftwrite rights. (multiple choice)
FusionInsight HDofLoader, a connector can only be assigned to one job.
Fusionmnsight HDproductSoDuring application development, you canSolr Admin UIxrightCollection
One-shot verification is performed. Draw aboutSolr AdminUIIs the statement correct? (multiple choice)
LoaderIf the job execution fails, the data imported during the running of this job will not be deleted automatically.
must be deleted manually.
Oozieofworkflow.xmlfile is the workflow configuration file
for running onMapRestoeThe application on the platform, on which this application is basedjarpackage is placed where?
Which of the following is notHBaseThe roles or services involved in the read data process? (Writing isHMaster)
existKafka, as follows aboutProducerWhat is wrong with the statement of sending data? (multiple choice)
A project needs to count the Internet access in a certain area and the serious crime in the area. Please make it clear that Nanyao teaches Huajin that it needs to be preserved, and fully check this
Are there sensitive information in these Internet records for pre-optimal solutions?
FSpark Streamingapplication, in aJVM, there can only be one at a time
StreamingContextin active state
FlinkThe two key elements of the program arestreamdata andtransformationoperator.
SparkandHadoopNeither is suitable for iterative calculation scenarios.
existHBaseIn application development, when a table'sRowkeyRange and distribution are known, pre-score is recommendedregion,
Please call the following code (fragment) to pre-sort a tableregionAfter this table will create severalregion?
//Create a pre-partitionregionthe tablebyte【】I splits = new byte【4];splits【0】=Bytes.toBytes
FusionInsightHDin the system,HiveWhat are the supported interface types? (multiple choice)
Spark StreamingAs a micro-batch stream processing engine, it converts the data of each time slice into OneRDDa partition in the
Suppose there is an application that needs to be accessed frequentlyOracleThe user table in the database, in order to improve performance, introduceRedisto cache
account information.
For this scene,RedisWhich of the following is the best data structure choice for ?
Fusionlnsigt HD an application to completeKerberosSecurity authentication, which of the following options must be used?
(multiple choice)
YarnWhich role is to manage individual node resources (CPU/Memory)of?
Which of the following options isYarncore functionality?
existSpark, assuminglinesIs anDStreamobject,filterStatements can be filtered out80%data for the following two
The correct statement is:
X: lines.filter(…).groupByKey(…)
Y: lines.groupByKey(…).filter(…)
FusionInsight HDin, aboutOozieWhich of the following descriptions is correct? (multiple choice)
Fusioninsight HDmedium, applicablestreamingSubmit by command lineexample.jarmiddle
om.huawei.example.wordcounttask, task name iswcTest, is the following execution command correct?
Oozieofworkflow.xmlfile is the workflow configuration file
Fusionlnsigt HD an application to completeKerberosSecurity authentication, which of the following options must be used?
(multiple choice)
TowardsHBaseincrease in the clusterRegionServerhost, the original cluster must be stopped first, becauseHBaseDynamic expansion is not supported.
FusionInsight HD in real-time processing scenarios, what computing frameworks are available? (multiple choice)
pass throughHBaseofcreateTableThe method creates a table, what parameters must be passed in?
FusionInsight HDin, aboutHiveandSparksql, which of the following descriptions are correct? (multiple choice)
FusionInsight HDin, yesSolrThe creation of various resources and the use of read and write permissions, which of the following statements is wrong?
existKafka, as follows aboutProducerWhat is wrong with the statement of sending data? (multiple choice)
existKafkamiddle,ProducerThis can be done by configuring the synchronization parameters (producer.type) to ensure that data is sent in order.
aboutFusionInsight HDofSpark, which of the following programming languages can be used to developSparkapplication? (multiple choice)
about the followingHDFSWhat is the correct process for the client to read the file? (multiple choice)
FusionInsight HD which components are provided externallySQLor classSQLability? (multiple choice)
Spark StreamingAs a micro-batch stream processing engine, it converts the data of each time slice into aRDDmiddle
A partition is calculated.
FusionInsight HD a completeStreaming CQLWhich of the following parts does the application contain at least? (multiple choice)
which come downRedisIs the command an atomic operation?
existFusionInsight HDcluster, aboutkinitOperation command, which of the following statements is wrong? (multiple choice)
Which of the following methods can generateDStreamobject?
existFusionInsight HDWhen developing applications with a secure version, you can usekeytabDocuments are authenticated securely.
aboutFusionInsight HDplatformHiveservice, itsWebHCatDevelopment interface, which of the following descriptions is incorrect?
existFusionInsight HDclient, executeskinit{account}command is to getKDCwhich content?
FusionInsight HDin, useStreamingThe command?way to submitexample.jarmiddleom huawei example.
WrodCounttask, task name iswcTeat, is the following execution command correct?
FusionInsight HDofHive, user-definedUDFcan andHiveBuilt-inUDFduplicate name, in this case,
will use user-definedUDF.
aboutRedisCluster topology information, is the following description correct?
writingMapReduceWhich two interfaces are usually required to be implemented by developers?
SparkThe calculation logic of the application will be parsed orDNG, this parsing operation is completed by which of the following function modules?
FusionInsight HD in which ways can you viewOozieDebug results of the job? (multiple choice)
existMapReduceIn application development of , which of the followingJAVA, Class responsible for managing and running a computational task?
useFusionInsight HDofHiveQuery data, when the amount of data in the intermediate results of the query is large, you can choose to compress the intermediate data
Structured data for better performance.
Which of the following areHiveRelevant parameters for intermediate result compression? (multiple choice)
aboutFlumeWhich of the following descriptions is correct?
Spark StreamingAs a micro-batch stream processing engine, it converts the data of each time slice into aRDDone of partitions are calculated.
HBasetablerowkeyDesign is a very important development and design link.
FusionInsight HDWhich of the following belong toOozieofMapReduce Actionconfiguration item? (multiple choice)
Which of the following options isYamcore functionality?
Oozieofworkflow.xmlfile is the workflow configuration file
existFusionInsight HDproduct, aboutKafkaWhich of the descriptions of secure and non-secure ports is wrong?
(Note: oldAPImeans oldProducerAPIand oldConsumerAPI. Among them, the oldConsumer API:
Refers tokafka.consumer.ConsumerConnectorinterface defined in; oldProducerAPI:Refers to
kafka.producer.Producerinterface defined in . )
which come downRedisIs the command an atomic operation?
Hadoopin the systemYARNWhat resource types are supported for management?
(Multiple Choice)
HDFSThe system time of the node where the client is located is the same as theFusionInsight HDThe system time of the cluster should be maintained
Consistent, if there is a time difference, then the time difference should be less than a few minutes?
FusionInsigt HD which of the following components can be used for data collection? (multiple choice)
FusionInsigt HDWhat distributed computing frameworks do big data platforms provide?
(multiple choice)
FusionInsight HDsystem, aboutHiveofJDB, CInterface type, which of the following descriptions is correct?
HuaweiFusionInsight HDin the cluster,SparkFrom which of the following services can a service read data? (multiple choice)
Hbase one of Region conduct Split When operating, place aHFileThe file is really separated into two RegionAt what stage does the process take place?
existFusionInsight HDmiddle,SparkBy defaultYARNAs a cluster resource management system.
FusionInsight HDin, belonging toStreamingWhat are the methods of data distribution? (multiple choice)
FusionInsight HDin the platform,HBaseSecondary indexes are not currently supported.
Fusionlngight HDin the system,SolkaExample projectsdk-sxamgelconlf\udlr-eamgple
propertyamiddleZX.URLandZ0OKEEPER DEFAULT SERVER PRINCIPLThe value can be obtained from the following
Which is the quickest pick?
A large-scale production enterprise plans to transform its internal logistics data and sales data into big data. The design department gives
Based on the analysis of the data storage scheme, which of the following statements are correct?
(multiple choice)
forHBase rowkeyThe design principles described below are correct? (multiple choice)
existKafka, as follows aboutProducerWhat is wrong with the statement of sending data?
(multiple choice)
existHBaseIn table design, it is common to multiple businessesrowkey, what are the possible countermeasures for situations that lead to data access contradictions?
slightly? (multiple choice)