Vlocity Certified Communications Order Management Developer Exam Questions and Answers
What makes a product entity a "technical product" in Vlocity?
What does the Vlocity XOM Administration screen allow you to do?
Per best practices, a Create Assets Auto Task should occur at what point during an Orchestration Plan?
Guided selling can retrieve selectable products, including product photos
Order orchestration requires Technical products to be decomposed from commercial products based upon predefined conditions and mapping rules***
Choose the correct flow in the order-capture process
What must you do before you can create a product attribute?
In a production environment, the Order Decomposition process is initiated by agents using the Decompose Order action button
An orchestration system can have more than one implementation
Vlocity Order Management (OM) and Vlocity Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) form two of the four components of the Vlocity Communications solution. What are the remaining two (2) components?
Choose the accurate statement below.
The take-me-there feature in Vlocity Carl
In a production environment, the order decomposition process is initiated by the agents using Decompose Order Action button.